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Augmentation in Scottsdale & Phoenix, AZ

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Renowned Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Top Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon

Award Winning - Arizona Foothills Magazine, Best of the Valley

Breast Augmentation Scottsdale
Breast Augmentation Scottsdale
Breast Augmentation Scottsdale
Breast Augmentation Scottsdale

Breast Augmentation with Dr. Malek

How to Choose the Perfect Implant Size

Top Provider of Breast Augmentation

As a top provider of breast augmentations in Scottsdale & Phoenix, Dr. Malek see many prospective patients that elect to have a breast augmentation when they wish to improve the shape or enhance their natural breasts. In other cases, time or pregnancy, and breastfeeding have taken their toll, leaving the breast tissue stretched, sagging, or what were once plump, firm breasts now appearing aged and deflated. Some patients have the procedure in conjunction with a breast lift, to restore a more youthful look after the skin and tissue have been stretched.

Dr. Malek: Beautiful results aren't the exception, They're the Rule

A drawback of earlier augmentation technology was that many results looked artificial, lacked symmetry and alignment, or were not properly proportioned. Dr. Malek assures you that, with modern techniques and technology, beautiful, natural looking results are the standard. As a Board Certified, Top plastic surgeon, he is familiar with the latest, most precise, durable and aesthetic technology, materials, and procedures available.

Due to the stunning results they routinely achieve in breast augmentation surgeries and other cosmetic procedures, Dr. Malek and his team have garnered a reputation as being some of the best breast augmentation plastic surgeons.

Dr. Malek represents a new generation of Board Certified plastic surgeons who merge safe, effective medical procedures with artistry and an eye for the graceful human form. Under their care, your breasts can achieve a full, fresh, natural beauty, in perfect balance and harmony with your form.

Breast Augmentation Before & After

Breast Augmentation patient 1
Phoenix Breast Augmentation patient 2
Breast Augmentation patient 3

Why Get Breast Augmentation?

You have many choices when it comes to deciding on your optimum course of action and it depends to some degree on what you’d like done and why. From double mastectomies to childbirth, there are many reasons breasts are augmented. One of your core decisions, made with the guidance of your doctor, is what type of implant is best for you.

Women can often be disappointed with the size and / or volume of their breasts. A breast augmentation can provide the desired change in a woman’s breasts by improving the volume and positioning. The treatment results in a more attractive appearance that can help foster high self-confidence.

As one of the top providers of breast augmentation, Dr. Marc Malek will not rest until you have achieved the cosmetic goals you are striving to attain.

Why women choose to have a breast augmentation procedure:

Breast augmentation procedures are done to increase the size and proportions of a woman’s breasts. There are many reasons why women choose to have the breast augmentation procedure, some of which include:

  • Enlarging the breasts to make the body more proportional.
  • Reshaping and enlarging breasts that have lost their shape due to breastfeeding or the natural aging process.
  • Improve breast symmetry; balancing the appearance of breasts that differ in size or shape.
  • Reshaping and enlarging the breasts to improve your look in and out of clothes thus increasing self-confidence.

Types of Breast Implants

Saline breast implant: These implants are a shell filled with saline salt water. They are highly adjustable, less expensive, and offer more choices in volume. They can also be implanted through a shorter incision and smaller scar. These implants may be ideal for larger women who require more implant coverage.

Silicone breast implants: Silicone gel feels very similar to natural breast tissue, with softness and give. These implants are extremely popular with patients of all dimensions, and often considered the best option for women with smaller frames. Silicone implants may require periodic examination via ultrasound or MRI screening to monitor their condition.

Form-Stable implants: These implants are silicone based and crafted to maintain their shape, with a slightly firmer feel than other implants. Shaped to match the natural breast shape, these implants are often chosen for a more natural look.

Round breast implants: Used for their fuller appearance, their consistent shape makes these implants extremely stable.

Smooth breast implants: The softest feeling implant with the most natural movement and bounce. Dr. Malek will advise you if this implant is right for you.

The Breast Augmentation Procedure

A breast augmentation can be delivered in the form of implants. They can be produced from silicone or saline material. They are placed through incisions, which are made in the most inconspicuous locations, disguising any scars. Dr. Malek is dedicated to his patients’ well-being and will use the most comfortable treatment techniques to deliver the right result.

Breast implants are not considered lifetime devices. You will likely undergo implant removal with or without replacement over the course of your life; therefore, breast augmentation implant surgery requires careful consideration.

Breast Augmentation Scottsdale

Candidates for Breast Augmentation in Phoenix & Scottsdale

As Dr. Malek and his team are some of the top providers of breast augmentation in Scottsdale & Phoenixem> have to offer, they are extremely adept at assessing what type of implant is correct for you. They will thoroughly consult with you to understand your unique needs and aesthetic goals, as well as the status of your health to determine whether or not you are an ideal candidate for breast augmentation surgery. Typically, breast augmentation candidates must be:

  • 18 years of age or older for saline implants, and 22 years of age or older for silicone implants.
  • In good general health.
  • Able to undergo surgery and able to undergo IV sedation or general anesthesia.
  • Not currently pregnant or breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant or start breastfeeding during recovery from surgery.
  • Free of cancer, infection, immune deficiencies, and any other diseases or conditions that could compromise recovery.
  • Able to take recovery time off from work, school, or other obligations (patients with tight schedules should consider our 24-hour recovery augmentation procedure).
  • Committed to attending follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing.

Emotional characteristics of breast augmentation candidates:

  • A desire to achieve symmetry between the breasts.
  • A desire to achieve larger breasts.
  • A desire to broaden clothing options.
  • A desire to reconstruct the bust line following a mastectomy.
  • A desire to refine the bust line so that it better complements the hips and overall figure.
  • A desire to feel more confident in general about one's appearance.
  • Confidence in the decision to undergo breast augmentation.

Recovery from Breast Augmentation

All breast augmentation procedures are performed in our surgical center as an outpatient procedure, so patients will have the freedom of returning home after the breast augmentation surgery.

You will be required to wear a sports bra for a minimum of six weeks following your breast augmentation surgery and your sutures will be removed in 7-10 days following your surgery. Your initial recovery will usually last several days, and your breasts may remain swollen, sore and sensitive to physical contact for a month or longer.

Prior to your breast augmentation, Dr. Malek will prescribe necessary medication to assist with any minor discomfort. Typically, patients are able to return to work approximately one week after breast augmentation surgery.

Most patients are able to perform light exercise, not involving the chest muscles, two weeks after their surgical procedure. Heavier exercise and full activity may resume after 6 weeks. Although results from surgery are evident immediately, residual swelling may last for several weeks. The breasts should take their final shape and position within two to six months.

Breast Augmentation Recovery Tips

Recovery after breast augmentation surgery is crucial for achieving the best results and minimizing complications. Here are some tips to help you have a smoother recovery:

  1. Follow Your Surgeon's Instructions: Your surgeon will provide you with specific post-operative instructions. Follow them carefully, as they are tailored to your individual case.
  2. Rest and Relaxation: Give your body the time it needs to heal. Rest and avoid strenuous activities for at least a few weeks after surgery.
  3. Pain Management: Pain and discomfort are common after breast augmentation. Take prescribed pain medications as directed by your surgeon to manage your pain effectively.
  4. Supportive Bras: Wear a supportive surgical or sports bra as your surgeon recommends. This helps reduce swelling and supports your breasts during the healing process.
  5. Ice Packs: Applying ice packs wrapped in a cloth to the breasts can help reduce swelling and ease discomfort. Follow your surgeon's guidelines on when and how to use ice packs.
  6. Avoid Sleeping on Your Stomach: Sleeping on your back with your upper body elevated can help prevent pressure on your breasts and reduce swelling.
  7. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol: Smoking and alcohol can interfere with the healing process. Avoid them for the recommended period before and after surgery.
  8. Stay Hydrated and Eat Nutritious Meals: Proper nutrition is essential for healing. Stay hydrated and consume a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals to promote recovery.
  9. Gentle Movements: Avoid sudden, jerky movements and heavy lifting for several weeks. Gradually reintroduce physical activity as approved by your surgeon.
  10. Scar Care: Follow your surgeon's instructions for scar care. They may recommend using silicone gel or sheets to help minimize scarring.
  11. Attend Follow-Up Appointments: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your surgeon. They will monitor your progress and address any concerns.
  12. Be Patient: It can take several months for the final breast augmentation results to become apparent. Don't be discouraged by initial swelling and bruising.
  13. Emotional Support: Recovery can be emotionally challenging. Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if needed.
  14. Avoid Sun Exposure: Protect your incision sites from direct sunlight. Sun exposure can cause scars to darken and become more noticeable.
  15. Compression Garments: Some surgeons may recommend wearing compression garments to reduce swelling and promote healing. Follow your surgeon's guidance on this.

Choose Dr. Malek for Breast Augmentation

If you have been considering scheduling a breast augmentation procedure and would like to learn more about your treatment options, contact our Scottsdale office today. Board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Malek will allow for a comprehensive consultation to discuss all of the treatments available to improve your look and achieve your aesthetic goals.

Breast augmentation provided by Dr. Malek is among the most popular procedures in the Scottsdale area.

Our Breast Implant Facts:

MemoryGel™ Breast Implants Saline Breast Implants
FDA Approved FDA Approved
Filled with Mentor® proprietary silicone gel MemoryGelTM holds together uniformly while retaining the natural give that resembles breast tissue. Filled with a saltwater solution Similar to the fluid that makes up most of the human body; slightly firmer feel.
Set fill volume Flexible fill volume Allows the surgeon to adjust the volume during the procedure.
Three projection options Moderate, Moderate Plus, High Profile. Three projection options Moderate, Moderate Plus, High Profile.
Two shell surfaces available smooth and textured. Two shell surfaces available smooth and textured.
Slightly larger incision size with various options for incision placement. Smaller incision size with various options for incision placement.
Cost is higher than saline implants. Cost is lower than silicone gel implants.
FDA recommends follow-up breast screenings. Follow-up breast screenings not required.
Covered by Mentor®'s standard or Enhanced Advantage Limited Warranty and lifetime replacement policy. Covered by Mentor®'s standard or Enhanced Advantage Limited Warranty and lifetime replacement policy.

If you are looking for a proud new figure to call your own, a breast augmentation can certainly help you reach your goal. Dr. Malek will personalize his treatment plan based around your expectations and needs.

To evaluate your candidacy for breast augmentation, please call us today and schedule a complimentary consultation.

Breast Augmentation vs. Breast Lift: Key Differences

Breast Augmentation:

  • Goal: Increase breast size and volume.
  • Method: Implants (silicone or saline) or fat transfer.
  • Best For: Those wanting larger or fuller breasts.
  • Scarring: Minimal, based on implant placement.

Breast Lift:

  • Goal: Lift and reshape sagging breasts.
  • Method: Remove excess skin and tighten tissue.
  • Best For: Those with drooping breasts from aging, pregnancy, or weight loss.
  • Scarring: Varies by technique but more visible than augmentation.

Key Difference: Augmentation adds volume, while a lift raises and reshapes without changing size. Both can be combined for optimal results.

Breast Augmentation Scottsdale

Breast Augmentation FAQs

How long does a breast augmentation take?

The entire process will take around 3 hours. You can expect to be in surgery for only half of that time, with the other portion spent receiving anesthesia and preparing to go home. Naturally, if breast augmentation is combined with any other treatment such as a breast lift, fat transfer, or mommy makeover, then your process will take longer. Dr. Malek or can give you a better sense of your exact procedure time during your private consultation.

What kind of scarring can I expect?

Thanks to Dr. Malek’s meticulously precise and conservative approach, scarring is greatly minimized after breast augmentation. Incisions are placed in such a manner that they are mostly inconspicuous later on. Most patients will have a 1-2 inch scar across the inframammary fold, although incisions may also be placed in the armpits or around the nipples. In the case of the latter, scarring is well-camouflaged by the darker pigmentation of the areolas.

Will breast augmentation affect my ability to breastfeed?

Dr. Malek will take great care to preserve your milk ducts during surgery, ensuring that your breastfeeding ability remains fully intact. They will do this by choosing an under-the-muscle approach and an inframammary fold incision location. If this is a concern for you, be sure to let the doctor know during your consultation.

Are there any risks associated with breast augmentation?

As with any surgery, risks include infection, changes in nipple or breast sensation, implant leakage or rupture, and capsular contracture, where scar tissue distorts the shape of the implant.

How long do breast implants last?

Breast implants are not lifetime devices. The average lifespan of an implant is 10 to 15 years, although they can last longer. Periodic check-ups with your surgeon are recommended to assess the condition of your implants.

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